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Breathe into me the belligerant blazing breath of life
That will singe my blistering soul into flaming song
To slice the heavens with its fiery passion like a knife
To burn its stormy path into your heart, a fire so strong

The stars erupting in my burning eyes will blind your vision
And crush your doubtful heart to a silent song brilliantly sweet
That will sing the glorious beauty of love’s deep passion
And of the throbbing the heart suffers, of passion, the intense heat.

The song will be burnt into the sizzling flesh of my delirious heart
Bursting at the seams, with a million joyful dreams, all clad in purest gold
Dreams that can from the feverish stormy skies, the sickly clouds rip apart
To ring the bells of ecstatic joy, and you my arms shall tightly hold

As the molten golden brew of love fills the thirsty pounding heart
The heavens will break into a song of joy and the joyful bells will ring
The clouds of sorrow and of grief will be from the skies ripped apart
And the soul will raise itself to join the happy chorus and begin to sing.